What is a covenant of dedication?

A covenant of dedication is a pledge to God and each other that we recognize that something exists for a stated purpose, and we will do what is in our power to support that.

Why should we dedicate America - the United States - to the gospel?

There is no higher purpose to which America could be dedicated. The founders created a country dedicated to the blessings of liberty, and it is time to take that one step further, and dedicate America to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Is any specific approach to the gospel implied by this dedication covenant?

The dedication covenant of 1607, which this site is encouraging Christians to re-affirm, does not provide any specifics on how that should be implemented. 

Why would the Lord be asking me to make this dedication?

In the United States, the citizens own the country. When you dedicate the country, you are giving Him something that belongs to you, and that surrender allows God to move in ways He otherwise would not.

Is this dedication consistent with New Testament guidance?

The New Testament provides guidance for living under Roman rule. In America, the people own the country and its government, so scriptural principles of ownership apply. For example, because God respects our ownership of our bodies, He asks us to choose to make them a living sacrifice. The Lord respects our ownership of our country, and we are free to dedicate it to the Lord.

Do I need to believe that the United States is a Christian nation to make this dedication?

No. This covenant is about what we want this country to be going forward, not about what it has been. Christians disagree on whether America has been or is a Christian nation, but we can agree that going forward we want it to be Christ’s nation, for His purposes alone.

Doesn't the 1607 covenant include the words "along with England"?

Yes, but that is not included in this re-affirmation, since we as United States citizens do not have an ownership of England.